
Well, somehow nearly a year went by without me updating at all. Which isn’t to say I completely forgot about it, I have just been very, very busy.

Moving to Vancouver to work in the animation industry filled up my free time tout suite. I’ve been doing a lot of freelance, and have been also pulling overtime at my industry job to hit our deadlines. But if you want to see what I’ve been working on, take a gander at Dawn of the Croods (airing on Netflix December 24), Jake and the Neverland Pirates Season 4 (on Disney Jr) and the DC Super Hero Girls franchise! \o/

Updates will resume January 11, 2016. It is my aim in 2016 to focus on the comic more, updating every other Monday and doing so consistently. I also plan on opening a Patreon (stay tuned for more info), and included in the goals will be more frequent updates.

Come back in January to see Thomas *FINALLY* get off that bus.